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Mentor Texts & Inspiration

BookTube - video review inspiration

A video book review (BookTube) all about Canada!


persuasive, speaking, reading, viewing, opinion, review

Excellent Book Reviews

Examples of reviews of different genres and details on what a good review should contain.


reading, writing, review, opinion

Make Your Bed

An inspiring video from Navy Seal William McRaven about a small simple thing you can do to change your life.


viewing, inspirational, motivational, speaking

Native American Rap is the Most Authentic Rap we Have Today

Want to write about music and trends? Here's a great mentor text.


writing, music, rap, opinion, persuasive

Collection of Short Stories

Here is a collection of scanned short stories from several anthologies. You can only access these if signed into your account.


reading, short fiction

How to Write a Poem

Poetry: What is it and how to do it. Descriptions, examples, and inspiration.


writing, poetry

Make a Good Video Review

A tutorial to show you how to use Adobe Spark to make a video review!


persuasive, speaking, viewing, writing, review, opinion

Desiderata by Max Ehrman

A poem for hard times.


viewing, poetry, speaking


What is a listicle, why do you use them, and how do you create a good one?


writing about tv, persuasive, representing, music, opinion, rap, review, writing

Music - a REAL Exhale!

A celebration of Jay-Z using his lyrics - this is an EXHALE!


music, viewing, speaking, representing

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